Welcoming New Patients

Welcoming New Patients

We welcome New Private Patients from all over Cornwall.

New Patient appointments include an extensive dental examination. During your appointment, we will:

  • Discuss any concerns you have regarding the appearance and/or function of your teeth
  • Review your general health and medical history
  • Take Digital X-Rays and Digital Photos, depending on your needs
  • Oral Cancer Screening
  • Check the health of your gums for any signs of gum disease.
  • Assess any jaw joint issues relating to clenching and grinding
  • Check your teeth for signs of tooth decay
  • Check your fillings and other dental restorations such, as crowns and bridges
  • Dental occlusion
  • Provide guidance for looking after your teeth at home

We are always happy to discuss options and will provide a written estimate before any treatment commences.

To book your initial appointment simply call our Tregony Practice on 01872 530243 so we can arrange a convenient time.

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