Say Goodbye to Wrinkles

Say Goodbye to Wrinkles

Say Goodbye to Wrinkles at Roseland Dental with Anti-Wrinkle Injections

At Roseland Dental, we offer anti-wrinkle treatment to help you achieve a softer, smoother, and more youthful appearance. This treatment relaxes the facial muscles, preventing the skin from developing creases over time, thus reducing the formation of wrinkles.

What is Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?

Anti-wrinkle treatment involves injecting a small amount of a purified, naturally occurring protein into specific areas of your face. This safe and effective solution is available from various brands. The aim of this treatment is to temporarily lessen the movement of facial muscles that lead to expression lines. Only qualified medical doctors, dentists, and nurses can administer these prescription-based solutions.

What Can Anti-Wrinkle Injections Treat? Anti-wrinkle injections can effectively address:

  • Dynamic frown lines
  • Crow's feet
  • Forehead lines
  • Neck lines Additionally, these injections can help slim down jaw muscles

    Is the Treatment Painful?

    Some mild discomfort might occur depending on the patient and the treated area. However, the quick injection with a fine needle minimises this discomfort.

    What to Expect from the Appointment

    Our skilled dental professional Omar Abde Aziz will conduct a consultation, take photographs of your face, explain the treatment, and have you sign a consent form. The dosage provided will be safe and standard for the treated area.

    Results usually become noticeable within 1 to 2 weeks and last around 3 to 4 months. Follow-up appointments may adjust injection dosages. After treatment, avoid applying makeup for at least 4 hours, massaging the treated area for 72 hours, strenuous exercise for 24 hours, and bending or lying down for 4 hours. If you have a headache, paracetamol is recommended.


    Booking Your Appointment

    To schedule an appointment for anti-wrinkle treatment, reach out to us on 01872 530243 or email us on

    Say hello to a rejuvenated you!

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